In December 2013, Modern Materials Handling magazine conducted its annual State of the Conveyor Market study. This research was conducted among top materials handling professionals to better understand organizations' conveyor usage in warehousing and distribution environments, and how order fulfillment and inventory management activities are driving changes to conveying systems designs.
Specific areas of investigation include:
Current conveyor usage
Attributes in conveying solutions considered important
Changes in structuring conveyor system configurations
Overview of current shipping environments and fulfillment processes
Use of metrics to evaluate conveyor systems
Estimated spend on conveyor systems and related equipment
The conveyor usage study was conducted by Peerless Research Group (PRG) on behalf of Modern Materials Handling. The survey was e-mailed to subscribers to Modern Materials Handling who are personally involved in the evaluation and purchase of conveyor equipment for their companies. The results were based on the responses of 247 qualified materials handling professionals.